We have to ask — not for the first time — why the BBC’s journalists are not required to study its grammar advice pages:
Source: BBC News, tablet edition |
Dr Faustus, who submitted this mangle, knows that
amount is the correct term for uncountable nouns, while
number relates to countable nouns; but so does at least one person at the BBC, since the topic is addressed on its ‘
Learning English’ pages… at least
twice. (It’s notable that ‘Learning English’ is aimed at adults whose native language is not English, and that the number-versus-amount issue seems not to be mentioned in the ‘Bitesize’ pages targeted at British school-age learners.)
Elsewhere, schoolchildren are the intended audience. Imagine how cross Dr Faustus became when he came upon this:
As he comments with no little asperity (and accuracy): ‘Surely the whole point is that number ISN’T the same as amount?!’ Fact Monster identifies itself as part of Family Education Network, and this page is clearly aimed at children. A note at the bottom of the page states that the content is ‘[e]xcerpted from The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Grammar and Style © 2003 by Laurie E. Rozakis, Ph.D.’ (the second edition, research reveals). One to avoid, perhaps.
amount & number confusion