Friday, 12 April 2013

Spellchecking Is Never Enough, # 50

There are, as you'd imagine, many examples on the Internet and elsewhere of today's mangle, so it's been hard to select the definitive one. This is it, though. It's from PrintedTree Publishing (or possibly Printedtree Publishing: the text on the header and body on the company's website diverge on this point). A company that demonstrably disapproves of hyphens, its products include 'Company specific prewritten business plan samples for start-up and existing businesses'.

We can assume from this that preparing prepared business plans doesn't include attention to detail, such as proofreading, although, as the word is wrong every time it occurs, there may be some copy-and-paste action.

This is the runner up, with the definition exactly as it appears on the webpage, ellipsis and all:

Whoever wrote it has better English than I'll ever have Korean, but still: 'hand…' what? Fasting? Writing? Shaking? Bags at dawn? Something more explicit?

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