Sunday, 7 April 2013

Not Washed or Cooked, # 19

We addressed the order of e and i in December, but here it is again, and not for the last time.

Today's example, provided by Dr Faustus, offers a discount off a text that we can only hope was spell-checked and proofread before it was published by this 'independent media company and nexus of travel culture worldwide', now moving into book publication:

Oddly, the page now has a popup repeating the promotion information, but this time correctly spelt:

There's quite a lot of material in the How to Write sections on the site; this covers travel writing, dealing with editors, finding a voice, and other useful issues, but I could find nothing on using a spell-checker or proofreading. Maybe you only get that if you enroll on the 'travel writing course from MatadorU'. (That's 'U' as in University.)

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